
Crossfire Designs
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Games, cheats
Hardware, reviews
Image libraries
Sounds, music
Image gallery

Comics and fun stuff
Calvin and HobbesDaily updated
Comic stripVarious comic strips
GarfieldGarfield & Friends; Daily updated
Kevin and KellComp freak comics
Sluggy freelanceManga-like
User friendlyDaily updated

Games, cheats
Oldskool.orgOld games and computers history
Softgames.deGames from developers like me
Virtual GameboyGameboy (and a lot more) emulators

Hardware, Reviews
AnandTechAll about hardware (news, reviews, links)
CD-R LabsCD Burner reviews
Old-computers.comArchive and links about many old computer architectures
RivastationInformation about 3D-accelerators (not only Riva), tests etc.
Rune's PC-MuseumHistorical computers and alot of links
SandpileOpcodes, tricks and more
TecchannelGood hardware e-zine
The PC GuideAlot of deep-going and background information

Image collections
Barry's Clipart Server
Digital BlasphemyA large collection of desktop background images
Dimestore's anigif collectionA real heap of anigifs, sorted by type
Molecular Photo GalleryGallery of images on molecular level
Nasa Image eXchangeSearch engine over the whole lot of NASA image libraries

BorlandOld Turbo Pascal versions LEGALLY downloadable
Developer.comSources for Java, Delphi, C, Perl and a lot more
Dr. WebE-zine with everything about and around web sites
FreepascalFree 32 bits Pascal compiler
Hornet.orgDemo sources and a lot more
Java applet rating serviceJava-sourcecode
Java user group germanyJava infos and links
Mysoft on the WebSources about Pascal, Delphi and CGI - good for educational purposes
SelfHTMLVery good HTML reference
Turbo Pascal Programmers PageUpdated, rewritten and redesigned
WotsitA large amount of file-format descriptions

Sounds and music
Findsounds.comNeed any sounds? Here you are!
ModArchiveVery large MOD music archive

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