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The Images
On this page you can see some of the images I created - especially the ones which are worth to be shown. I usually use them or parts of them in other work I have done.
The images have all been done quite a simple way. The trick to get them the way they look now is to play with alot of parameters, channels and to do some manual work on special parts of the image.

How to view and get
To view an image, simply click on it (whatta help ;)
If you'd like to download an image, seelect that image, select your prefered resolution, click right, and choose "save image as" (or similar, depending on browser).

Highly recommended: 24/32 bits Truecolor and CORRECT monitor settings.
Pictures partially use very smooth gradients, hence sometimes look ugly with less colors. Monitors should have high contrast and mid brightness (light enough to see dark colors, but not to see black as dark grey)

If you're interested in a lossless compressed version of an image, please contact me via mail.
These images are for private use ONLY, hence are only freely useable there!

So it happens. Meanwhile the third version of a - in the beginning - very simple image. First, I just wanted to improve the resolution of its predecessor, and now another version arised - with clearly more details and more depth! Technical details: 24 Layers, eating uncompressed about 220 MB of memory. Light shimmer on earth created with Nasa maps projected onto a globe using Povray.
Maybe some more of this kind may follow.

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This image has already been on my machine for quite a while. But just right now I decided to improve and release it. At the time of creation, I didn't own a graphic tablet, and hence reworking with the mouse was quite a pain. It follows the same basic idea I pursued with "Milla", still I didn't put this idea into action. By the way, this girl is not for real. So don't ask ;)

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"Reflections II"
Reflections II
While still being the same, captured from a different perspective this image looks quite different. Here I had to remove light sources and to raise contrast.

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"The Ring"
The Ring
My second useful image out of a small experimental foto shooting. As prisms and reflections are just getting less interesting, this is an attempt of shadow casting. A ring is lightened with the prime colours red, green and blue. Also really nice to see here is the principle of additive color mix.

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A simple idea brought me to this picture. One illuminates one or also some more prisms with different colors. While this may actually remind someone of physical education, this picture still retains some beautiness that one can't deny...

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Looks like a usual photograph? Fine, so I just successfully kidded you :)
So what's the difference here? Well, this image comes from a digital camera. As these have - in order to their small focal distance - no huge deep blurring, this blurring has been added in a part of hard work. This image consists of four layers and hence blurring grades.
The sense of this is getting the real object more to foreground.

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A woman's eyes are beautiful. They can tell you so much, if you can read from them!
If you try to read from this eye, what do you see?
Is she watching, waiting, catching for interest, does she want to tell you something? Or is she smiling?!....
Small technical comment: all used textures are from TV. Partially captured, partially photographed from screen with a digicam. Of course they were abstracted.

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"Planet Earth"
Planet Earth
I have to admit, this is no really new one. It is derived from "The Planet".
But be careful before judging! Although it may look very similar, it is far better in detail! Four star layers and several galaxies, no simple black plate, but a photograph of our earth lend this picture a very deep-dimensioned look!
I recommend a closer look at a higher resolutioned version instead of this thumbnail to realize the whole beauty of this graphic.

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Sorry guys, this time nothing digital. I tried to get something to paper with a pencil - I have an idea which requires to be first drawn to paper. So this is the small success I have yet. Nothing perfect nor professional, but I guess not everybody can do this :). Probably, I'll draw another picture, just for fun. If so, this one gets replaced with the new.

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"The Planet"
The Planet
An artificial planet photograph, where the sun rises in background. The image consists of several layers, some of them were completely made with the computer, two are heavily manipulated images out of the nasa library (see links section).
This is an improved version of the originally exhibited image.

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"Solar Eclipse"
Solar Eclipse
No, no! Before you start telling me that this doesn't look exactly like any eclipse you've seen yet: you're right. It was not intended to let this image look like it's in nature, like it's not always the way in art to let things appear like they are in reality.
But you have to admit that this "artifical" eclipse doesn't look bad either!
This image has been made completely up from scratch. Not any single part existed before.

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"The Eye"
The Eye
More or less my first attempt to digital art. I was a little bored as I had to stay at home after an accident. So I started Paint Shop Pro and played a little around with images, Alpha channels and layers. First, I didn't realize what I had done. But after watching the image for some minutes I finally saw that the image looked quite impressing.
BTW, the blocky look is intended!

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